Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mission Preparation Lyfe.

With 29 days left until I report, I've been feeling more and more that there is so much more I could have done if I'd been smart enough to prepare myself sooner for my mission. Soooo many hours wasted on late nights out and late mornings sleeping in.. sooo many shows on Netflix I've let myself be distracted by...

Forgive me Father for I have sinned.

Just kidding. Kinda. The point is, I've finally got some footing on studying-preparing-doing, and I feel like it would be nice of me to share some of those tips with you, so maybe you can get yourself on the right foot much, much sooner than I did.

So here they are: the 6 steps to Efficient Mission Preparation Lyfe.

Seriously dudes. One of my YSA bishops, once I'd told him I'd be serving, said that I needed to read the Book of Mormon at least twice before my mission. Since I'd already read it a couple times for Young Women's, (Young Women Medallion Holders #REPRESENT) I took that to mean two more times *before* the mission, starting right then.
So ladies. Gentlemen, if there really are boys out there who read blogs for funsies. Start reading right this very second. You will regret not knowing any of the BOM stories/having a testimony of them once you're out in the field.

2. Your PMG will soon become your best friend...GET TO KNOW HIM.
Seriously.. if there is anyone out there who honestly doesn't already know that Preach My Gospel is your most important book (after the scriptures) for your mission, let me help you out. Preach My Gospel is SO so vital to everything you need on your mission.
Read Chapter 3. Meticulously.
Read Chapter 10. Meticulously.
Read chapters 1, 2, and 4-12. Meticulously.
Okay so maybe that's the entire book... But srsly. There's no way you aren't drowning in your own tears if you hit up the MTC and haven't even cracked the thing. So get on it.

3. Foreign Language Studyyyyyy.
If you're still in high school and can't get your call yet, cool. You know that 2-year language requirement for graduation? TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. I think possibly, in this one individual circumstance, your school board may have been a teensy bit inspired. If you get a call to a Spanish speaking area and you've taken 4 years of Spanish already, you will feel --P A T H E T I C-- when you cannot recall any of it. (Cough, not like I know anyone who's dealt with *that* before...hahahah)
Oh and PS. Maybe you'll get your native language for your mission. That doesn't make the skills acquired from studying language any less important.
(PS Duolingo is the funnest language app ever also FREE so lookit)

4. Missionary Blog Stalk for Inspiration.
Lol jk guys. You are all fantastic.

5. Lesson Plans: Not just for Kindergarten Teachers.
So this is a skill actually required by my mission prep class. The lessons in chapter 3 of your PMG each have a short, medium, and full version of "lesson plans" already prepared for you, but srsly you're not gonna have your book with you when you're street contacting or sitting on the floor of an investigator's family room or chasing people down in the townsquare.
WRITE your own.
MEMORIZE scriptures for each lesson.
LEARN the key points within those lessons, so you can summarize in a breath when the opportunity comes. (Believe me. It will come. People avoiding missionaries walk very fast.)

6. Make your Local Full-Time Missionaries your Peeps.
You have all been told this. You all know how much they need us. You are all very aware that you don't even know what street contacting or teaching an investigator or placing a Book of Mormon at someone's front door even LOOKS like. I promise these guys aren't scary. They're totally, TOTALLY cool. They even have REAL LIVES back home and have heard of the internet and probably Facebook and Call of Duty and everything!
(Although the veteran ones out may not have heard of things like "hashtag" and "YOLO".... but that just makes life like a billion times more hilarious with them)

Okay so it looks like that's all I can think of at the moment. If I decide there's more I'll post a part 2. Until then, get to work people. If you're gonna be a missionary, show yourself you can. Cuz you totes can :) and you totes will :) and you're gonna be TOTES totes prepared :)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Who You Are

So someone on Facebook kind of randomly posted this video from a YouTube channel  for non-denominational Christian motivation. It looks like a 20-something guy who writes pep talks and then gives them, and I've decided they're really good. Like, really good.

My two favorites were one that he has specifically made for men and one he has specifically made for women. I got the text for the women video and turned it into a little hangy thingy for my future mission apartments because this thing is super-motivating for me and this "43 days to go AKA 6 WEEKS AND 1 DAY" thing has become a little stressful. So watch:

If mobile version is being dumb then here's the link:

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Hey guys!
I've totally got stuff! I know this video is kind of long but this is just some of the things I've gotten so far for the mission that they ask us to have. Hopefully it helps and hopefully it doesn't bore you, but if so then I guess you can just admire the fantastic hair day I'm having ;)


General Conference!!

My last General Conference before the mission has been absolutely amazing. With one session left, I have heard so many inspiring words!

I am *so* so excited to hear the last talks for the 2013 conferences. I have gotten so many words of encouragement and comfort. Heavenly Father knows what I have been asking for and knows exactly what I've been needing to hear. He is making me ready for the beautiful people of Peru!! I am so excited!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mission Clothes

I have finally come to the conclusion that I *think* I'm all set for what clothes I'm bringing to Peru.
I know a lot of girls have questions about what's appropriate and what's too bright or too flamboyant or whatever... well this is what I came up with!

Honestly I have a lot of button-ups and quarter-sleeves.. but I think that'll be good for the diverse seasons (Peru doesn't get incredibly hot or incredibly cold either, just a little bit of both)

My mission packet said specifically:
Outfits (5-6)
Shoes (2)
Exercise clothing:
   - 2 pair Capri-length or longer pants
   - 2 modest t-shirt with no inappropriate logos or sayings
   - athletic shoes and socks
One set of clothing for activities where regular missionary attire is not appropriate:
   - pants must be full length. 
Sweaters (1-2): cardigans recc., solid in color
Pajamas (1): robe and slippers as needed. 
Shower sandals

So... Here are a few of the outfits I have for mission attire:

So as you can see, it's super easy to mix-and-match with basically any pattern. When everything was said and done, I used 14 shirts and 6 skirts to make 73 outfits. 73!!! I won't have to wear the same thing twice for over two months. 

I'll update with accessories later!